- 浙江大学 > 留学资讯
★截止到2022年6月28日,经过中国教育部认可的新西兰院校共有57所(排名不分先后)。●Aspire2国际酒店与健康护理学院(Aspire2 International Hospitality & Healthcare);
●奥克兰国际学院(International College of Auckland);
●阿德摩尔飞行学院(Ardmore Flying School);
●奥塔戈理工学院(Otago Polytechnic);
●奥塔戈大学(University of Otago);
●奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland);
●艾尔法教育学院(Alpha Educational Institute);
●Ara坎特伯雷学院(Ara Institute of Canterbury);
●Aspire2国际商务与技术学院(Aspire2 International Business & Technology);
●奥克兰商学院(Auckland Institute of Studies);
●奥克兰理工大学(Auckland University of Technology);
●北地理工学院(Northland Polytechnic);
●东部理工学院(Eastern Institute of Technology);
●国立联合学院(Universal College of Learning);
●怀特克利夫学院(Whitecliffe College);
●怀卡托理工学院(Waikato Institute of Technology);
●惠灵顿理工学院(Wellington Institute of Technology);
●皇后镇旅游学院(Queenstown Resort College);
●皇冠学院(Crown Institute of Studies);
●惠灵顿维多利亚大学(Victoria University of Wellington);
●怀卡托大学(The University of Waikato);
●ICL研究生商学院(ICL Graduate Business School);
●IGQ高尔夫学院(IGQ Golf College);
●精英管理学校(Elite Management School);
●坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury);
●林肯大学(Lincoln University);
●联合理工学院(Unitec Institute of Technology);
●莱德劳学院(Laidlaw College);
●梅西大学(Massey University);
●媒体设计学院(Media Design School);
●曼努考理工学院(Manukau Institute of Technology);
●南方理工学院(Southern Institute of Technology);
●尼尔森马尔伯勒理工学院(Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology);
●尼尔森航空学院(Nelson Aviation College Limited);
●泰普迪尼理工学院(Tai Poutini Polytechnic);
●塔斯曼国际学院(Tasman International Academies);
●太平洋国际酒店管理学校(Pacific International Hotel Management School);
●UUNZ商业学校(UUNZ Institute of Business);
●维特利亚理工学院(Whitireia Community Polytechnic);
●新西兰幼儿教育师范学院(Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand);
●新西兰国际旅游学院(The International Travel College of New Zealand);
●新西兰国立中部理工学院(Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology);
●新西兰教育学院(New Zealand Institute of Education);
●新西兰中医针灸学院(New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine);
●新西兰中医学院(New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine);
●新西兰太平洋联合学院(Institute of the Pacific United New Zealand);
●西方理工学院(Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki);
●新西兰训练中心(New Zealand Training Centre);
●新西兰ATMC学院(ATMC NZ);
●新西兰商学院(New Zealand College of Business);
●新西兰脊椎神经学院(New Zealand College of Chiropractic);
●新西兰管理学院(New Zealand Management Academies);
●新西兰教育学院(New Zealand School of Education);
●新西兰高等教育学院(New Zealand Tertiary College);
●新西兰研究学院(New Zealand Institute of Studies);
●Yoobee学院(Yoobee Colleges);
●职业商业与餐饮学院(Professional Business and Restaurant School)。